Honeywell BW Solo Oxygen Wireless Gas Detector measures O2 from 0 to 0-30% v/v. The screen provides real-time digital display of gas concentration, while vibrating, audible and flashing alarms warn of impending danger. When paired with the Intellidox, data from the Solo O2 gas detector is downloadable to a PC, where it can be aggregated and managed through Honeywell’s Safety Suite software platform to automate key compliance tasks like regulatory records management. User-friendly operation, lightweight convenience and ease of maintenance and serviceability can lower long-term ownership cost of a gas monitoring system.
Alarm set points: Low-19.5%v/v, High-23.5%v/v
Measures O2 from 0 to 30% v/v
User-friendly operation
Easy-to-read display for multiple languages
Lightweight convenience
Ease of maintenance
The new 4-Series sensor for enhanced reliability
High standards of sensor quality and reliability
Compatible with IntelliDoX
Alarm set points: Low-19.5%v/v, High-23.5%v/v
Measures O2 from 0 to 30% v/v
User-friendly operation
Easy-to-read display for multiple languages
Lightweight convenience
Ease of maintenance
The new 4-Series sensor for enhanced reliability
High standards of sensor quality and reliability
Compatible with IntelliDoX